
Design Driven Innovation

Human/User/Innovation Centred Design

User Groups, What User Groups?
Ok so user groups can be helpful of couse, they can tell you what the market wants.  However people see the future throught their current lives and therefore can not give you new innovations and can only help you make incremental change.

Market? What Market?

"Market? What market? We do not look at market needs.  We make proposals to people."  - Ernesto Gismondi.

Radical changes do not happen by answering the market need, but by proposaing new ideas.  Proposing new ideas leads to technical innovation and meaningful innovation.  As Steve Jobs said: "People don't know what they want until you show it to them."  Who would of thought a couple of years ago that we needed a laptop, a tablet and a smart phone, they all do a similar thing, yet we have them?

Designers are the Key
Designers are not just stylists, or ergonomists, they are the people who envision new senarios.  These new senarios create the need, and the proposals create the need for innovation.  This is Design Driven Innovation.

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